
12小时新闻 2023-08-09 10:44:041074424网络华欣


Famous traditional Chinese medicine expert —— Zhao Hongwei



Health is a necessary requirement for promoting the all-round development of the people, the basic condition for economic and social development, an important symbol of national prosperity and national prosperity, and the common pursuit of the broad masses of the people.


The Outline of the "Healthy China 2030" Plan issued by the CPC Central Committee and The State Council specifically proposes that strengthening the construction of healthy human resources and the training of healthy personnel is a sound support and guarantee for the great project of building a healthy China.


The 2023 Central Human Resources Conference pointed out that to build a strong country with human resources, we must face the forefront of science and technology in the world, the main economic battlefield, the major needs of the country, and the people's lives and health.


On this occasion, the special report on the famous Chinese medicine expert —— Zhao Hongwei.



Mr.Zhao Hongwei, born in March 1950, is a member of the Communist Party of China born in Shaanxi province. The word modest wood, the number of rhodiola. He was born in a family of traditional Chinese medicine. His grandfather and father were famous traditional Chinese medicine practitioners in Qin, Jin, Henan and even the whole country. In the late 1990s, he was included in the Biography of Contemporary Chinese Famous Doctors. His grandfather and father's words and deeds influenced him from childhood, and he deeply loved traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture and moxibustion. In 1965, when he was only 15 years old, he used acupuncture to cure his mother's stomach fire and toothache, and then used massage massage to cure his grandmother's chronic diarrhea and gastrointestinal disease, which stimulated his great interest in traditional medicine. After the youth and the domestic well-known expert professor Mi Boang, Hao Jinkai, Wu Shengchang, body Yufang inculcate. Under the influence of good atmosphere of traditional Chinese medicine, he successively studied the Huangdi neijing, "typhoid theory", "golden chamber", "temperature disease", "difficult", "daughter", "medical reference", "shennong this classics", "compendium of this grass", "class by map wing", "acupuncture", "acupuncture" traditional Chinese medicine classics, practice "four diagnosis ginseng", medicinal prescription, meridian acupuncture, academic and refined. Later, he entered Xi'an TV University and Shaanxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine for further study in Traditional Chinese medicine, which further broadened his vision and increased his medical theory level and clinical practice experience.




Mr.Zhao Hongwei, chief physician, a family of traditional Chinese medicine, a Chinese special effects famous doctor. Chinese contemporary famous doctor, Chinese contemporary famous traditional Chinese medicine. A master of Chinese medicine in the new era. International registered characteristic medical practitioners. China Federation of International Medical Development. Vice President of the Chinese Famous Doctor Council. Executive Vice president of Chinese Famous Doctor Expert Committee. Nine ministries and commissions of The State Council. Chairman of the National Senior Medical Expert Committee. Chairman of China Special effects and Medical Skills Professional Committee. Visiting Professor, Beijing International Academy of Medical Sciences. Chinese medicine expert in Lower Novgorod, Russia. Russia. Professor of MEDGOEN Medical Hospital in Moscow, President of Russia. Traditional Chinese medicine consultant of the National Hotel Medical Center."Chinese Medicine" program "Health expert consultant", "Chinese medicine culture health science communication messenger".


World Health Council medical expert. Special guest of the second Chinese Famous Doctor Conference. Special guest of the second China Scientists Forum Conference. Special guest of the fourth Annual Conference of Chinese Scientists and Economists. CCTV "Chinese Channel" Chinese Good Doctor (Zhao Hongwei: Chinese special effects famous doctor). Chief physician of Beijing Zhongsheng Yi'an Hospital. Chief physician of TCM Outpatient Department of Shaanxi Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Association.




Engaged in clinical and scientific research for more than 50 years, inherited and founded zhao's three methods: Taiji acupuncture, bone setting chiropractic, diameter and acupoint massage. The combination of needle and medicine techniques, internal and external treatment, proficient in internal, external, gynecology, children, orthopedics, acupuncture, treatment of fracture bone diseases, comminuted, old fractures; cervical and lumbar disc herniation, bone hyperplasia, necrosis, femoral head, sciatica, neck, shoulder, waist and leg pain, rheumatism; stroke hemiplegia, facial nerve paralysis; coronary heart disease, angina; gastrointestinal disease; stone syndrome; cyst, polyps, nodules, hyperplasia, malignant ulcer tumor; prostatic hyperplasia; chronic ulcer; psoriasis; pain; infertility, breast hyperplasia, uterine fibroids, ovarian cyst, vulva leukoplakia and other gynecological difficult diseases.



Mr.Zhao Hongwei has been fond of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture since childhood, and has inherited his valuable experience in the treatment of difficult diseases such as bone injury, stroke, pain, malignant sores, tumor and gynecological diseases. And try to innovate and develop. He has published 23 medical and acupuncture and moxibustion papers in Classics of World Medical Achievements, International Excellent Achievements of Eastern and Western Medicine, Classics of Famous Doctors in World Medicine, World Journal of Acupuncture, Asian Medicine, Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese Acupuncture and moxibustion, and large academic conferences at home and abroad. Since 1997, Participated in the 10th anniversary of the World Acupuncture Federation, The 2000 International Conference on Traditional Medicine, Global International Cooperation on Telemedicine and the Second Exchange of Eastern and Western Medicine, 99 International Conference on Outstanding Achievements of Difficult Diseases, The first International Symposium on the Prevention and Treatment of Geriatric Diseases and Difficult Diseases with Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, The fifth International Seminar on Outstanding Achievements of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, In 2014, the 7th Annual Conference of The Professional Committee of TCM Characteristic Diagnosis and Treatment Research of Taipei World Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine and other more than 20 academic exchanges at home and abroad, It has also won many "International Gold Awards", The "Gold Award for Special Honor", The Yellow Emperor Award, "The World Chinese Field of Achievement Award in Medicine", The "Outstanding Medical Scholar Academic Award" and other international awards. The 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China "100 TCM sword characters" title and "achievement award".



"A Chinese patent medicine for the prevention and treatment of stroke" and "Zhao's Taiji needle" won the first prize of national scientific and technological achievements respectively. In addition, it won the first and second prizes of the national "Huatuo Cup", "Gold Medal of Cross-Century Medical Research", "Outstanding Contribution Award of the First Chinese Medical Doctors Forum", More than 30 national "Excellent Paper Award" and other awards, Has been awarded the "model of the people", "The most beautiful striver," The "The July 1st Medal of Honor", "A Master of Traditional Chinese medicine in the New Era", "The Master of Traditional Chinese medicine", "The National Model Worker of Traditional Chinese Medicine", "Famous Chinese Special effects Doctor", "Contemporary Chinese famous doctor", "Contemporary Chinese medicine", "The Outstanding contemporary Inventor," "The National Hundred Outstanding Contributors", "Contribution to the nation," "The most beautiful Famous Traditional Chinese medicine in healthy China", The "Good Doctor in China," Outstanding contributions to the field of traditional Chinese medicine in the centenary of the Communist Party of China, Elected as "100 Chinese TCM" on NASDAQ screen in Times Square, New York on March 15,2021.



"A Chinese patent medicine for the prevention and treatment of stroke" developed by Mr.Zhao Hongwei has obtained the national invention patent certificate in 2005 (patent number: ZL200510041960.3). Mr Zhao Hongwei is general TCM practitioners, proficient in TCM inside, outside, fu, son, orthopedics, good at acupuncture, inheritance development, and created the "zhao tai chi needle": "a dragon", "needle", "four to needle", "four" needle "," five lines "needle", "needle" gossip "," serial "," T word to tail needle "needle, special needle," bone rectification method "," point massage ", often use needle technique, inside and outside the combination, achieve unique curative effect.



Since 2008, Mr Zhao Hongwei successively in the Chinese famous doctor recommended network "," Chinese famous doctor network "," Chinese contemporary famous doctor "," Chinese famous interview network "," China news broadcast network "," China health network "," China medical headline network "," Chinese development network, the CCTV culture communication, the CCTV CCTV network. Culture Channel, China Interview Network, Time Weekly, Baidu APP, Beijing Interview Network, China Medical and Health Daily, Global Times, Global TV Network, Global News, People's Daily. People's Life, China Traditional Chinese Medicine Toutiao, Toutiao, China News Toutiao, UN Daily, China Daily, International News, etc., and China Modern Health News, Xi' an Evening News, Influence in the New Era and Huashang Daily.



2014.6.11. On CCTV. People's Daily People's Daily homepage Chinese Channel. Xinhua News Agency Xinhua homepage "Chinese" CCTV CCTV network (China Network TV) science and education channel united America, Europe, Asia and Africa, Oceania 16 countries and regions television network dissemination. On June 30,2021, on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, Hong Kong TV discussed the centenary of the Founding of the Party: Mr.Zhao Hongwei founded Zhao's Taiji needle.



骨伤病Bone injury


Professor Zhao Hongwei is particularly good at the diagnosis and treatment of bone injury and bone disease. He followed the ancestral training, mastered and used the exquisite "Zhao's Tai Chi acupuncture", "bone-setting chiropractic", "follow the meridian point massage method", and gave continuous innovation in clinical practice. In skilled use of zhao ancestral "trauma soup", "hemostasis", "bone Dan" prescriptions, such as bone setting, on the basis of the technique, and developed the "bone pill", "blood bi 1,2,3" "blood swelling pain (liquid) cream", such as proprietary Chinese medicine, needle medicine technique, treatment of all kinds of fracture trauma, without surgery, no traction, no cast, short course, small pain, quick effect, low cost. The fastest 8 days, generally only 16~24 days, serious 32~35 days, can be cured. Over the years, thousands of cases of bone injury patients have been quickly cured by treatment, Zhao's bone-setting, can be called a hundred years of unique skills!


Yuan, male, 42 years old, farmer, born in Yichuan County, Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province. On the night of October 18,2010, he was driving four wheels of pulling apples when he accidentally fell from a cliff several hundred meters high, causing many serious injuries to his body. After X-ray examination of local hospital (hospital No.: 103023), diagnosis: subscalp hematoma, visceral hemorrhage, right 8,9,10,11,12 rib fractures; left 10,11 rib fractures; thoracic 11,12 vertebrae; lumbar 2,3,4 right transverse bone fracture; right iliac fracture; inferior pubic branch, left upper and lower branches of pubus, up to 16 systemic fractures. The patient had severe whole-body pain and limited activity. Hospitals were unable to perform surgery, treatment had little effect, and patients could not afford huge financial expenses, and had to be discharged home. On the verge of despair, he began to accept Zhao's bone setting therapy on November 4,2010. After taking "trauma blood circulation soup", "Bone Dan" no. 1, No.2, and "bone clearing". By November 22,2010, the patient was able to walk on the ground by himself, and the bone injury healed after only 18 days. People can not help but marvel at Zhao's "miraculous skill"!



Chang, Chengguan Town, Wanrong County, Shanxi Province, male, 71 years old, farmer, in October 1997, accidentally fell from the wheat grass stack caused thoracic vertebra 12 and ribs 10,11 fractures, often pain. In June 2001, the local hospital confirmed that the old fracture had not heal, which failed to heal in three years and nine months. On June 5,2001, I took six doses of "trauma blood circulation soup", "bone Dan" 1 and 2 three times each, and 240 grams of "continued bone clearing". By July 4, a total of 29 days of healing, I have to say, this is really another miracle of Zhao's bone setting.


Yao, Chengcheng County, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province, was diagnosed with bilateral femoral head necrosis by Xi'an Honghui Hospital and other hospitals in 2013. He is a famous welder and the breadwinner of the family. In order to make a living, for his family and children, he must not endure the pain to climb the elevated to homework. In 2014, he came to the outpatient department of Shaanxi Research Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine with crutches. Diagnosis by Mr.Zhao Hongwei, he believed that the causes and pathogenesis were mainly: deficiency of liver and kidney, qi and blood stasis, and obstruction of meridians. The treatment plan of combining traditional Chinese medicine decoction, water pill, acupuncture and moxibustion was formulated in detail. First take decoction for six months, the condition improved, stable, compatible with Chinese patent medicine water pan pills continue to take. Four courses of treatment, one course of half a year, until 2019. CT examination of Xi'an Red Society Hospital showed that the necrosis of the femoral head had been cured. As the patient's relatives wrote in the letter mentioned: " Thank you very much for Miss Zhao's superb medical skills for my brother cured the necrosis of the femoral head, gratitude, beyond words! This year my brother feels obviously better, a few days ago before seeing a doctor, did a CT, at that time the doctor said no femoral head necrosis, my brother does not believe, still ask the doctor is not others's film, whether left and right leg clap wrong? In getting the doctor's definite answer, my brother was ecstatic, surprised and happy, and into tears of joy. Five years ago took three times film, determine is femoral head necrosis, still take film, specially found the professor of red association hospital to see, at that time a word: change! My brother was very desperate, the whole family was in pain, after all, only 45 years old, and also the family financial support, my brother is a welder, leg pain means no job. In the early stage, I also went to a lot of hospitals, found a lot of doctors and experts, took a lot of medicine, but did not get better. Besides, walking was inseparable from crutches. My brother was desperate and decided to do surgery to replace the femoral head. God help me also, at this time a friend strongly recommended Zhao Hongwei teacher, I hold the mentality of trying, took my brother to Xi'an, found the teacher Zhao, for several months of decoction, my brother almost do not need to turn, to solve the problem of difficult action,



Even if you walk more, your legs still ache. Later, Miss Zhao adjusted the treatment plan and made it into water pills with the decoction. Persistence is victory, and this year we finally got the good news. Thank you to the great benefactor! Teacher Zhao Hongwei really deserves its reputation!”


At the same time, Mr.Zhao Hongwei has cured the cervical disc herniation, lumbar disc herniation, spinal canal stenosis. In a short period of time, special needles were used to cure the knee, ankle and heel bone hyperplasia. A patient with lumbar disc herniation in Beilin District, Xi'an was bedridden and poorly treated by multiple parties. Zhao Hongwei used acupuncture treatment seven times plus decoction, no pain, feel better. As her lover, Professor Zhang of Northwestern Polytechnical University, wrote in WeChat: " Praise Doctor Zhao Hongwei: young students, carry forward; magic, virtue, delicate silver needle, can dispel disease, orange grass juice, good for evil, and benefit China, reputation in Eurasia. His wife suffered from lumbar disc herniation and fasciitis for many years, which worsened in recent months and had difficulty in action. Three grade a hospital, diagnosis in a number of famous doctors, little curative effect. After professor Zhao Hongwei seven times of acupuncture and moxibustion (a small course of treatment), plus Chinese medicine treatment, has been basically recovered, self-care, housework. Director Zhao's medical skill, curative effect, visible, hereby thank you!"Mr.Zhao Hongwei has overcome one difficulty after another in the bone injury aspect, and has created a medical miracle again and again. Won the incomparable trust of the majority of patients.





Stroke: it is a general term for acute cerebrovascular diseases in traditional Chinese medicine. Patients are often suddenly fainted, unconscious, accompanied by the mouth and eye askew, unfavorable language, and even hemiplegia and other diseases. Stroke, also known as "stroke", is listed as the first group of diseases, and is one of the four difficult diseases of traditional Chinese medicine. Due to the characteristics of high incidence rate, high mortality rate, high disability rate, high recurrence rate and many complications, the medical community lists it as coronary heart disease and cancer as one of the three major diseases that threaten human health. The importance of stroke prevention and treatment has attracted great attention from the medical community at home and abroad, and medical scientists are exploring the prevention and treatment measures of stroke from all aspects.


Among the major traditional Chinese medicine masters, Mr.Zhao Hongwei is absolutely good at treating stroke, and a unique treatment. In Professor Zhao Hongwei's opinion, stroke is the evidence of the false mark, in the case of Yin and Yang, in the wind and fire, phlegm and turbidity obstruction, blood stasis. Common causes have worry and anger, drinking, or arbitrarily eat fat sweet, indulge tired, or careless living.


Zhao Hongwei's diagnosis and treatment of stroke are mainly: treatment before disease, and the reversal of "stroke aura" is the key to the treatment of stroke, the combination of acupuncture and medicine, acupuncture as the guide, with traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and medicine. In the field of acupuncture and moxibustion, he founded Zhao's Tai Chi acupuncture and acupuncture, and studied and summarized "stroke precursor eight important point", "stroke first aid six important point", "stroke sequelae eighteen important point". They are the prescription and the treatment measures taken in the three stages before, during and after the onset. On the basis of zhao's "chicken willow cold blood filling deficiency soup", zhao's "stroke circulation" was developed and invented.


In 1997, at the academic conference of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the World Acupuncture Federation, the academic paper "Clinical observation of stroke combined with acupuncture and medicine" was published and read out, summarizing the treatment effect of 81 cases of stroke.81 cases of stroke recovered 60 cases after treatment, the cure rate accounted for 74.07%, 16 cases were effective, accounting for 19.75%, 3 cases were improved, accounting for 3.7%, 2 cases were ineffective, accounting for 2.48%, and the total effective rate reached 97.52%."Clinical observation of combining acupuncture and medicine in the treatment of stroke" has been published in full in The World Medical Achievements Classic and the World Acupuncture and Moxibustion Journal (Foreign Edition), published by Hong Kong Science and Technology United Press.


Mr.Zhao Hongwei has been a doctor for more than 50 years, and has cured countless stroke patients. The cure rate is high, the recurrence rate is low, he has a thorough analysis of the etiology and pathogenesis, the diagnosis is fine, and the appropriate medicine is never vague. Experience prescription "stroke through collateral dispersion" excellent drug selection, unique efficacy, quick effect, non-toxic side effects. Pay attention to prevention, good governance "no disease", specimen to both.



Sun, a resident of Yan'an city, Shaanxi Province, female, 69, in January 9,2003, the family heard snoring, but should not shout, mouth and eyes askew, the right body unconscious.urinary and fecal incontinence. The family members sent him to the local hospital, CT was diagnosed as cerebral hemorrhage, and the treatment was not obvious for one week. On January 18, he was transferred to a large hospital in the provincial capital. After investigation, large area cavity infarction appeared after cerebral hemorrhage. The patient usually had high blood pressure, suffering from coronary heart disease, atrial fibrillation, hyperthyroidism, headache, nausea and vomiting, and numbness of hands and feet before the onset. On March 2,2004, he only saved his life, but he was still bedridden, unable to stand, step, or speak, and the right limb was cold, unconscious, weak, and sometimes constipated. This is a very serious, a variety of complications mixed together of stroke patients, after the professor hong-wei zhao, examine its pulse deficiency knot, tongue light, moss white greasy, using zhao tai chi acupuncture "stroke sequela 18 to point" treatment 45 times, internal take "stroke", take half a year, the symptoms basically eliminated, can say simple words, in accordance with the staff can walk, basic to life care, the winter of 2015 died of heart attack.





In recent years, with the promotion of market mechanism, the change of climate and environment, the adjustment of diet structure, coupled with the work pressure of people, the increase of psychological pressure, health problems are getting bigger and bigger. In the 1970s, people talked about cancer, and after the 1990s, cancer outbreaks, people are used to it. It is still one of the three major diseases that threaten human life and health. At the end of the 1980s, Mr.Zhao Hongwei began to explore the etiology and pathogenesis of malignant tumors on the basis of the ancestral treatment of malignant ulcer tumors. With the death of the four main relatives around him, the original friends, classmates, friends left one by one, he was devastated, but also more inspired his determination to overcome cancer. After more than 30 years of unremitting efforts. His cure rate and response rate in treating tumors and cancers are constantly improving.



May 2001, Yanta District, Xi'an Hong, male, 50 years old. Suffering from rectal malignant tumor, 1.2cm*1.5cm digital diagnosis, falling feeling, swelling, pain, in June began to bleeding in the stool, at the same time transferred to the tip of the right lung, dull pain. According to Mr.Zhao Hongwei, the tongue quality is dark red, the tongue body is fat, the moss is slightly yellow, white and greasy. Pulse string solid, fine number, moisten astringent. Syndrome differentiation: phlegm dampness and evil poison immersion, qi stagnation and blood stasis obstruction. Treatment: fuzheng quxie, qi and pain, blood circulation and collaterals, dispel phlegm and dispersing. Constantly through Yin and Yang, outside, cold, heat, deficiency and deficiency eight classes syndrome differentiation, constantly adjust the treatment plan, to the Spring Festival in 2002, basically cure, continue to take medicine, consolidate the curative effect. After more than a year of persistent treatment, by May and June of 2002, the rectum and right lung tip tumors have been completely recovered. It has been more than 20 years, with no recurrence, no metastasis, without any discomfort symptoms.


In May 2017, a relative child, just over 30 years old, suddenly suffered from a malignant breast tumor on the right side, and the disease developed rapidly. The right breast tumor was large, such as a goose egg, and the upper left side also had the size of a small walnut. Red, then broken and bleeding. Gradually changed from positive evidence to negative evidence. The essence of TCM is syndrome differentiation and treatment. It is necessary to constantly use the syndrome differentiation method of the eight classes according to the development and change of the disease, and constantly adjust the treatment plan. Only to achieve the ideal effect, after careful treatment, the rupture began to heal three months later, and the tumor began to shrink half a year later. The decoction was taken for more than a year, until it was basically cured in July 2018. In March 2019 and November 2019, it continued to make Chinese patent medicine Shuipan pills to consolidate the curative effect. He started work in 2019 and became pregnant and had a boy in 2021. So far, he has no symptoms.



In July 2016, Xi'an Yuan, female, due to the change of working environment, personnel relations, mood, depression, irritability, tolerance, insomnia, irregular menstruation, menstrual volume, premenstrual breast pain, dysmenorrhea, waist acid, pain and discomfort under the right association. Unit physical examination found: liver cyst, gallbladder polyp, thyroid nodule, mammary gland hyperplasia. In September 2016, Xijing Hospital of the Fourth Military Medical University found an abnormal echo area of 1.4cm*1.5cm in the left ventricular anterior septum. Conclusion: Real occupancy of the left ventricular septum. After consultation with well-known experts and professors in the department of cardiology, surgery and oncology of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, considering the high risk of surgery, conservative treatment is suggested first. In June 2016, Director Zhao Hongwei diagnosed that the patient's complexion was pale, pale red, dark, thin moss and bruised under the tongue. Left pulse heavy, virtual, osmosis, slightly astringent, weak; right pulse sink, virtual, osmosis, micro string number. Syndrome differentiation: deficiency of qi and blood, deficiency of heart and spleen, sputum qi stasis, collaterals obstruction. Treatment: nourish qi and blood, warm Yang tongluo, dispel phlegm and disperse knot, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. Follow the "Huangdi Neijing": "the righteous spirit is stored inside, evil can not do", the essence of "cure disease" is the principle. On July 12,2016, we made the Chinese patent medicine water pan pills, take three times a day, 10 grams each time, half a year for a course of treatment. On December 31,2016, the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University examined: the abnormal echo space of 7mm * 8mm * 6mm mass in the middle wall of the left ventricular septum was significantly reduced compared with the previous ultrasound comparison. On September 27,2017, the 5.9mm*4.6mm on the middle chamber wall of LV septum decreased again compared with the ultrasound comparison in December 2016. Thyroid nodules, breast hyperplasia, and gallbladder polyps have all been cured. No further enlargement of the liver cyst was observed. On November 9,2017, we made the Chinese patent medicine water again, and continued to take it. On January 8,2019, the ultrasound test of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University showed that the solid occupying space of 4.7mm*3.7mm echo mass in the middle wall of the left ventricular septum was smaller than before. On September 20,2019, the space was not found in the physical examination. At this point, the heart tumor has been recovered.




At present, Mr.Zhao Hongwei treatment, cure, improve and stable brain tumor patients 3, heart cancer patients 2, lung cancer patients 7, stomach cancer patients 3, liver cancer patients 1, breast cancer patients 2, cervical cancer patients 2, bladder cancer patients 2 people, vocal cancer patients 2 people. There are more lung, liver, uterus, breast, thyroid, stomach, intestine, mouth, nasopharynx, vocal cord critical tumors, precancerous lesions patients are under control, improved and cured.




stubborn disease


Difficult and miscellaneous diseases mostly refer to some intractable diseases that are not easy to classify in medicine, and are difficult to explore the etiology and pathogenesis. There are various forms of difficult and complicated diseases, and the pain and impact on patients are large and small, but they all have a common characteristic: people scratch their head, so that the general doctors often feel unable to start. Professor Zhao Hongwei, with his profound knowledge of Traditional Chinese medicine and rich clinical experience accumulated over the years, has his own unique insights on most difficult and miscellaneous diseases in diagnosis and treatment.


Liu, female, 32 years old, a resident of Xigou, Baota District, Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province, came to the hospital on January 8,1978. The patient had migraine for ten years, accompanied by dizziness, red face, bone steaming, fever in hand, foot and heart, heavier in the afternoon and evening, cool in the morning, dry eyes and pain, unclear vision, and never sweating for more than two years. Dry pharynx, bitter mouth, dry tongue, hard, tired and weak, swollen face and hands and feet, cold foot and ankle, dry stool, secret knot, less urine, red yellow, less abdominal distension, rib pain, insomnia, poor appetite, spinal lumbar sacral pain, early menstruation, long menstrual period, color first deep after light, with more yellow, peculiar smell. Chinese and western medicine has no effective for ten years. In the general person, I am afraid that all exclaim " how is this patient all sick!"If some doctors are treated, they will surely complain," Where to start?"And see Professor Zhao Hongwei for the diagnosis and treatment of patients: the pulse is fine, red tongue and yellow greasy. TCM syndrome differentiation: bone steaming and fatigue, lack of qi and blood, Yin and Yang deficiency.




Treatment: regulate qi to nourish blood, nourish Yin and latent Yang, remove blood stasis and eliminate collaterals. On February 11,1978, he began to administer Zhao's Tai Chi new needle therapy. And combined with warm acupuncture, twelve acupoints were selected each time, and the needles were used for 45 minutes. After two needles, the patient was surprised to find that his tongue is not hard, hands, intercostal pain, less abdominal pain; headache and fever, mouth is not bitter, tongue flexible and taste; needle seven times, the first time sweat, color is not yellow; needle eight times hand damp; needle is still hot nine times, but the head is not dizzy. Rest for three days and then needle a course of treatment, conscious symptoms greatly improved. After a course of treatment to consolidate the curative effect, the remaining diseases are divided.


Treatment: regulate qi to nourish blood, nourish Yin and latent Yang, remove blood stasis and eliminate collaterals. On February 11,1978, he began to administer Zhao's Tai Chi new needle therapy. And combined with warm acupuncture, twelve acupoints were selected each time, and the needles were used for 45 minutes. After two needles, the patient was surprised to find that his tongue is not hard, hands, intercostal pain, less abdominal pain; headache and fever, mouth is not bitter, tongue flexible and taste; needle seven times, the first time sweat, color is not yellow; needle eight times hand damp; needle is still hot nine times, but the head is not dizzy. Rest for three days and then needle a course of treatment, conscious symptoms greatly improved. After a course of treatment to consolidate the curative effect, the remaining diseases are divided.


Sherova. Marina. Ylaevna, female, 45, married. Russia. Nizhny Novgorod City City. Initial diagnosis was on April 14,2006. Main illness: skiing two years ago, accidentally fell from the steep slope of more than 300 meters, causing head, chest injuries, coma, severe pain for a week, suffering from intractable insomnia, can only rely on sleeping pills to sleep for two or three hours. Three years of menstruation, sometimes amenorrhea, sometimes after more, dripping dripping. Red in color, with blood clots. Less abdomen on both sides according to the sharp pain, face white dark, two eyelids are green purple, afraid of cold. The tongue is light red, the pulse is weak, slightly astringent. Syndrome differentiation: liver and kidney deficiency, qi and blood stasis. Treatment: nourishing the liver and kidney, removing blood stasis and dredging collaterals. Effect: From April 14 to April 28,2006, a total of 10 acupuncture treatment, internal take "Tianwang tonic heart pills", can sleep seven or eight hours every night, normal menstruation, other symptoms disappeared.



Alerov. Andre &L. Ponda Iinovic, male, 21, unmarried. Russia. Nizhny Novgorod City. The Solomowa District. Initial diagnosis was on June 10,2006. Main disease: from two or three years old began to flow nosebleed, there is no rule, sometimes almost every day flow, fatigue, joint, lumbar pain, the hospital can not find out the cause. Red tongue less moss, pulse heavy, micro string fine. Syndrome differentiation: qi Yin deficiency, spleen is not blood. Treatment: nourish qi and nourish Yin, remove blood stasis and eliminate collaterals. Effect: From June 4 to August 9,2006,25 times were treated, and "return spleen pill" was administered internally. After 10 times of treatment, no flow, 15 times to consolidate the curative effect, and all the remaining diseases are removed.


Ivanova. Illyevna, female, age 32, unmarried. Russia. Nizhny Novgorod City. Galleengeria Avenue. Initial visit was on August 27,2007. Main illness: five years ago and her husband divorced, coupled with improper weight loss, from the original weight 48kg to 36kg now, appetite, hunger, eat six meals a day, but can not absorb, mental tension, unable to relax, insomnia, insomnia, chest tightness, shortness of breath, headache, dizziness, suffering from kidney ptosis. The tongue is light red, and the pulse is slightly astringent. Syndrome differentiation: liver and spleen disorders, kidney qi deficiency. Treatment: liver and spleen, kidney and essence. Effect: From August 27 to November 7,2007, there were 14 acupuncture sessions, and "Shiquan Da Bu Pill", "Chaihu Shu Liver Pill" and "Buzhongyiqi Pill". The effect was very good, everything returned to normal, and the weight increased to 49.5kg.


Sherehova. Voliga. Vladimilovna, female, aged 31, is married. Russia. Nizhny Novgorod City. Initial visit was on February 27,2009. Main disease: half a year ago, the right hand suffered from muscle atrophy, muscle weakness, can not hold things, can not write, middle finger, ring finger, small finger numbness, ignorance. Blood pressure was low, 90 – 70 mmHg. Menstruation is thin, not on time. Palpitation, breath holding, shortness of breath, fatigue. The tongue is light red, and the pulse is thin. Syndrome differentiation: deficiency of qi and blood, liver and spleen disorders, collaterals and veins obstruction. Treatment: nourish qi and blood, remove blood stasis and eliminate collaterals. Effect: From February 27 to March 25,2009, a total of 10 acupuncture treatments, taking "blood circulation and pain relaxation" and "perfect tonic pills", no paralysis in the right hand, know the pain, and can handle things.


Sherehova. Voliga. Vladimilovna, female, aged 31, is married. Russia. Nizhny Novgorod City. Initial visit was on February 27,2009. Main disease: half a year ago, the right hand suffered from muscle atrophy, muscle weakness, can not hold things, can not write, middle finger, ring finger, small finger numbness, ignorance. Blood pressure was low, 90 – 70 mmHg. Menstruation is thin, not on time. Palpitation, breath holding, shortness of breath, fatigue. The tongue is light red, and the pulse is thin. Syndrome differentiation: deficiency of qi and blood, liver and spleen disorders, collaterals and veins obstruction. Treatment: nourish qi and blood, remove blood stasis and eliminate collaterals. Effect: From February 27 to March 25,2009, a total of 10 acupuncture treatments, taking "blood circulation and pain relaxation" and "perfect tonic pills", no paralysis in the right hand, know the pain, and can handle things.



Igol. Gai, male, 38 years old, married, driver. Russia. Nizhny Novgorod City. Kaya Avenue, Ga. Initial diagnosis was on July 10,2010. Main illness: four years ago, when swimming in the ear, he accidentally stabbed the eardrum with a cotton swab, resulting in hearing loss, deafness, normal low blood pressure, 100-70 mmHg, sometimes headache, dizziness, palpitations, heart pain. Cervical spine and lumbar spine pain. The tongue is pale red, and the moss is thin and yellow. The left pulse is weak and slightly astringent, and the right pulse is slightly solid. Syndrome differentiation: liver and kidney deficiency, collaterals and veins obstruction. Treatment: nourishing the liver and kidney, removing blood stasis and dredging collaterals. Effect: From July 10 to August 17,2010, a total of 17 acupuncture treatments, taking Qiju dihuang pill "," deafness ZuoCi pill "," Jinkui kidney Qi pill ", hearing returned to normal, and the remaining diseases were removed.


Gokeen. Vaceslav. Mikhacharlovic, male, 61 years old, married. Russia. Nizhny Novgorod City. SolomovchB Street. Initial diagnosis was on July 24,2010. Main disease: glaucoma for many years, aggravated half a year ago, increased intraocular pressure. As a result, the operation failed, resulting in almost blindness, swollen eyes, pain and discomfort, blurred vision, unclear vision, and failure to identify objects 1.5 meters away. Since the summer of 2009, frequent pain in the heart area, low blood pressure, 100-70 mmHg, temple pain, severe tinnitus, insomnia, fatigue, and poor tolerance. A year ago, I had a prostate surgery. The tongue is pale. Pulse deficiency. Syndrome differentiation: liver and kidney deficiency, collaterals and veins obstruction. Treatment: nourishing the liver and kidney, removing blood stasis and dredging collaterals. Effect: From July 24 to August 31,2010, a total of 27 acupuncture treatment. The first five or six times, need family to accompany, treatment 10 times after the eyes feel significantly improved, they come over, the left tinnitus also improved. Treat it for 15 times and you can go fishing. A total of 27 acupuncture treatments were performed, and "Qiju Dihuang pill" and "deafness ZuoCi pill" were taken internally. Vision and hearing basically returned to normal, and other uncomfortable symptoms were removed.



Zaduyeva. Marina, female, 21 years old, unmarried, under the city nerve center massage doctor. Russia. Nizhny Novgorod City. The Solomowa District. Initial diagnosis was on January 9,2006. Main disease: for several years left epigastric pain, pain before meals, pain after hunger, better after eating. Sometimes pantothenic acid, abdominal distension, dry mouth in the morning, bitter mouth, nausea, and auxiliary discomfort. Hospital examination with gastric ulcer, duodenal bulb ulcer. Tongue is red without moss, solid pulse thin string. Syndrome differentiation: liver and stomach Yin deficiency, collaterals and veins obstruction. Treatment: invigorating the spleen and dredging the liver and stomach, nourishing Yin, remove blood stasis and pass collaterals. Effect: Since January 9,2006, a total of 45 acupuncture treatments, and internal treatment of "YueJu Baohe pill", "Shuliver and stomach pill" and "XiangYang stomach pill" recovered.





over the years, In addition to the above cases, Mr.Zhao Hongwei, Has cured the myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation; Parkinson's disease, hand shaking; Multiple cerebral infarction; Cardiac diaphragm tumors, rectal tumor, brain tumor, bone tumour, lung tumor, neck of uterus, ovarian tumor, Breast tumors, and so on; Liver and renal cysts, Lumbosacral vertebral cyst; polyp; leukoplakia vulvae, cauliflower excrescence; Dystopenorrhea, amenorrhea and leakage; Sex intercourse bleeding, sex pain; Stomach drop, kidney drop, uterine prolapse; hyperplasia of mammary glands, fibroid, oophoritic cyst; After 15 years, more than 20 years of infertility; ONFH; Cervical and lumbar intervertebral disc herniation; C hepatitis; gastric ulcer, Bulbar duodenal ulcer; Lower extremity ulcers caused by diabetes; A malignant malignant, acute posterior ganglionitis, allergic purpura, lepra alphos; asthenic bulbar paralysis; Dead muscle (scleroderma); Bone hyperplasia in the knee, ankle and heel; A refractory headache, cephalagra; renal mass; Intractable hiccups, vomiting; More than thirty years of stubborn insomnia; The ation of the eardrum causes deafness; Blindness after retinal detachment and other difficult diseases. A silver needle tied down, a prescription out, over the years, the door to thank the patients in an endless stream. Within, outside, domestic, abroad...


They all meet everyone kua Professor Zhao Hongwei's bone therapy, kua his treatment of stroke characteristic therapy, kua him to deal with tumors and difficult diseases have a trick!



Where do you go, He has all become the focus of attention: at home, He was successively awarded the "model of the People," "The most beautiful striver," , "The July 1st Medal of Honor", "A Master of Traditional Chinese medicine in the New Era", "The Master of Traditional Chinese medicine", "The National Model Worker of Traditional Chinese Medicine", "Famous Chinese Special effects Doctor", "Contemporary Chinese famous doctor", "Contemporary Chinese medicine", "The Outstanding contemporary Inventor," The "Good Doctor in China," "The National Hundred Outstanding Contributors", "Traditional Chinese Medicine sword achievement character" and other honorary titles; While engaged in clinical and scientific research work abroad, Health and Beauty in May 2007, In August 2008, the Big Editor and other famous Russian magazines published interviews, brief introductions and working photos of Mr.Zhao Hongwei. Its performance in the national physician yearbook 2022 total volume 14, the national achievements of traditional Chinese medicine report, the contemporary Chinese doctor, Chinese experts dictionary, entrepreneurial ceremony of the People's Republic of China, the light of the east —— 20th century elite collection, the dictionary of Chinese experts and scholars, the Chinese inventor, the sea of the world characters, the world celebrity, the world Chinese experts 68 large dictionary.


With his exquisite medical skills, the "inheritor" and "innovator" of the quintessence of traditional Chinese medicine, the "great doctor" and "sincere doctor" loved by the people, as well as his hard efforts to carry forward the Chinese medical culture, Mr.Zhao Hongwei won these honors, which is worthy and expected!


Beijing Zhongsheng Yi'an Hospital: Outpatient treatment every Monday, March and Friday morning (advance appointment)


Address: No.2, HuaJujia, Xiangshan Road, Haidian District, Beijing (opposite Chinese Academy of Forestry)


TCM Outpatient Department of Shaanxi Research Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Chang'an National Medical Center)


Address: Exit B1 of Metro Line 5 opposite the East Gate of Huangyan Village Provincial Hospital, Xi'an City.


Every three to six months, one to two weeks outpatient


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